Saturday, November 18, 2017



In celebration of the latest Pokemon game (which at this point shouldn’t surprise anyone that there's a new Pokemon game) Ultra Sun and Moon, Ina and I have decided to comb through our knowledge of Pokemon, and try to imagine our own Pokemon teams. shhhh Ina and I did not miss Sun and Moon at all

I mean if an 11 year old kid can form a team and save the world, then we can too.

(somewhere in here is a pokemon revive joke about this blog that's just way too real)
But let’s make this a bit clear. This is more of “if we were in the Pokemon universe and we could have our own team of Pokemon” as opposed to “if we were on the journey to become the very best, what Pokemon would we have” sort of thing.

Mostly because thats an entire study of IVs and Stats and Natures that will take literally forever for me and Ina to do.

And honestly my basis for most of my team in every game is “I like you, so you’re on my team now"

So in no specific order and I say this because Vulpix is #1 in my heart here is Pokemon Dream Team:

okay note none of these are to scaled because Pokemon size in-game is weird. The anime is no help either.
  1. Arcanine
  2. Luxray
  3. Vulpix 
  4. Leafeon 
  5. Piplup
  6. Popplio
Okay lets be real, if I could my entire team would be the Alolan Form Vulpix and will all have some name variation of “Fluff,” because I need 10 of them in my life right now.

So as anyone can see, the only pokemon that would really stand out in my dream team would be Piplup and Luxray, mostly because neither of them fit into the obvious theme of "doggo" as they are a penguin and a lion respectively.

Piplup is here on the list because, as I've word-barfed before, Pearl/Diamond/Platinum was my main reason for getting back on the Poketrain. Sure there wasn't a lot of original pokemon introduced in the game, but for me, the story behind it and the pokemon actually in Sinnoh felt substantial and creative without being too forced.

Also Piplup evolved into an Empoleon which is Water/Steel, is a bit of a tsundere, and apparently can cut through ice as it speeds through the water. I mean really guys. Really.

Luxray is another favorite from PDP because of the fact that it's a giant lion that can see through walls and not electric shock you by accident. I mean it has x-ray abilities that can find almost anything, and having that giant cat stare at a wall means either something extremely creepy is hiding outside your home, or it's getting ready to electric someone's ass.

Leafeon will come to a surprise to many of my friends, since I am a die-hard fire pokemon fan and most likely expected Flareon instead, but Leafeon actually took 1st place as my favorite Eeveelution. Sure, not the most stand out amongst the family but there is something just heartwarming with Leafeon. I love the move set, the pokemon sound and even the design a lot. Go figure.

Popplio is an interesting add in my list because I honestly was not deadset on loving this starter pokemon. I, like everyone else on the planet, usually go for Fire Starters since they made the first half of the game easier to beat, but when me and my friends were discussing starters for Sun and Moon, I decided to give Popplio a try. 'lo and behold, I get a female Popplio and loved it to absolute bits.

I won't really expound on Arcanine and Vulpix because these two are my original favorites and I will love them for-freaking-ever.


So Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are now out, which means only one thing: WELCOME BACK TO ALOLA it’s time to talk about Pokemon. In light of the release, which I am totally missing out on (I didn't bother with pre-ordering this time around), here's my ~*~dream team~*~, which -- let's be honest here -- is totally #basic because I only have surface-level knowledge about Pokemon.

1. Mimikyu
2. Bellossom
3. Charizard
4. Rowlett
5. Ditto
6. Pikachu

As you can see, I have a very unexciting selection of Pokemon for my ideal team. More than half of these buddies are here out of nostalgia's sake, if I'm being completely honest. Whereas Alex's roster is full of fluff, mine is just... full of... cute faces, and then some.


Of course I'm basic enough to have Pikachu on my list. O F  C O U R S E . Don't hate me for loving the poster child of the entire franchise to this day. Pikachu is the absolute cutest. Don't fight me on this. (Brownie points for being my favorite color, but that's irrelevant.)

Honestly, where would I be today if Pikachu never existed? Remember that episode from the Pokemon tv series where Ash's Pikachu encounters an entire heckin' COMMUNITY of Pikachus? Y'ALL KNOW WHAT'S COMING NEXT: HAND ME THE TISSUES. What is Pokemon without Pikachu? What is life without incessant amounts of "Pika" this and "Pika" that?

In any case, while we're already several years into the franchise, Pikachu provides me with a sense of comfort, so to say, in this day and age. Even if I'm fumbling around trying to get to know the Pokemon universe all over again (as was the case when I first played Pokemon Sun), the familiarity of Pikachu -- and all the other Gen 1 Pokemon -- somehow helps ease myself back into the groove of the Pokemon video games.

Pikachu drew me into the franchise, and while several other Pokemon and emerged since, Pikachu has continued to hold a special place in my very Pika-heart.


As if I wasn't basic enough, I've also included the """poster boy""" of the Gen 1 trilogy. Now, I use this term very loosely because claiming the poster boy title per trilogy can be rather subjective. But why Charizard? Why not Blastoise or Venusaur? Simply put, Charizard was the first Pokemon I ever truly went on an adventure with.

As a kid, the Gen 1 game that I progressed the furthest on was Pokemon Blue. Ironically, I chose Charmander as my starter for the game. Back then, I was the type of player who didn't care about having an imbalanced team. So long as I could beat my opponents, I was safe.

This thus lead to my Charmander -- and later on, Charizard -- becoming incredibly over-levelled. I treated it as a sort of "Team Captain" for my party. Whereas Charizard was at Level 40 or so, the rest of my party remained at the Level 20 threshold. It was insane.

This very selection later on influenced how I would later on decide on my starters in future games. While I've only ever played four Pokemon generations in general (Pokemon Blue/Yellow, Pokemon Gold/Silver, Pokemon Pearl, and Pokemon Sun), I always thought back on my faithful Charizard and how far it brought me (please take note that I never finished any Gen 1 games though hAHahahAHAHaha). Choosing any other starter that wasn't a fire-type felt wrong to a certain degree, simply because I went through a lot with what was essentially my very first starter.

My loyalty didn't last long, though, because PIPLUP.


Is Rowlett on this list because it was my starter Pokemon for Sun? YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT IT IS.

But listen, this is an adorably round owl Pokemon. It's a gentleman in the making with that bowtie. Its second generation, Dartrix, is basically Miles Edgeworth incarnate. Owlcarnate. Whatever.

And don't get me started on flippin' Decidueye. That Pokemon is just an oversized bird who does nothing but flaunt its feathers to show off how flamboyant it is. Hence why it's perfect for me.

In all seriousness, it's worth reiterating that Pokemon Sun was what I considered to be my "comeback" in the Pokemon gaming world. The last Pokemon title that I had played prior to Sun was Pearl, and with Sun's new features, it was like getting to know the franchise all over again. Rowlett became what Charizard was to me in my childhood: a friend who would keep me company as I discovered the nooks and crannies of this universe with different eyes.

With different Decidueyes hahaha get it hahahaha end me


Growing up, Ditto was a Pokemon that always stuck out to me simply due to its ability to "become" other Pokemon. To me, owning a Ditto was synonymous to pretty much owning the entire Pokedex. It obviously doesn't work that way, but c'mon, let me live.

Plus, it's a pink blob. IF THAT AIN'T ME...


Perhaps Mimikyu is somewhat similar to Ditto in that it "imitates" other Pokemon. However, in Mimikyu's case, it seems to only take after Pikachu. I'm sure you've already heard about the lore regarding Mimikyu and how iT'S A GENTLE SOUL SIMPLY LOOKING FOR A FRIEND PLEASE DON'T SHUN IT PLEASE JUST GIVE IT ALL THE LOVE IT DESERVES

Ahem. Real talk though, I might just be drawn to Mimikyu simply due to its resemblance to Pikachu. Aesthetics aside, I do like that it's a Ghost/Fairy Pokemon. My first encounter with Ghost Pokemon was from the infamous Lavender Town, and that obviously was borderline nightmarish. Being introduced to Mimikyu sort of took the edge of apprehension away.

It's worth noting, however, that my first encounter with Mimikyu in Pokemon Sun gave me some Fatal Frame vibes. Was I the only one who felt that way?


Let's be real here: Bellossom is basically me as a hula dancer. In the same vein as Pikachu, Charizard, and Ditto, Bellossom hits home for me simply because of its nostalgia factor. I watched Pikachu's Vacation (??? Pikachu's Rescue Adventure??? What is it actually called???) as a kid and was essentially introduced to the next generation of Pokemon at the time. It was so much fun watching Pikachu let loose with others of its kind, and with a catchy song as its prelude, I was doomed to fall for Bellossom right off the bat.

Upon writing my section of this post, I was prompted to check out my save file in Sun just to brush up on which Pokemon I had with me. I was only in the game for five minutes, but that brief period was enough to give me flashbacks of when I played this game to NO END. I miss the obsession.

I think I might just get Ultra Sun (because I'm a Solgaleo Slut™ through and through) one of these days. Plus, with the Ultra saga being pretty much the end of the Pokemon line for the 3DS, it's all the more reason to pick up either title before the next core Pokemon game comes out on the Nintendo Switch.

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